Wednesday 20 November 2013

Rowing in Santa Clarita - no boats involved!

Monday 18th November

We had decided to make an early start today and consequently left Erica Court just after 6am having said our goodbyes to Sherry and Rich the previous evening.  Our destination today was an overnight stop in Santa Clarita on our way to the Joshua Tree National park and our aim was to arrive in time to find somewhere to do a short hike before dark.

The drive was initially a repeat of a fortnight ago as we headed down 101 to Gilroy and then across the the I5 which we followed way down past the Bakersfield junction  - where we had turned east on our last expedition.  It was just getting light as we set off and the sky was cloudy and overcast looking depressingly like England for a while. However as the sun rose the blue skies which we have come to expect gradually appeared and the temperature rose. After a couple of hours we stopped for gas and I took over the driving - something I have not done very much of on this trip.  It was fairly easy going as we got back onto 5 and I felt my confidence growing.  As we neared Santa Clarita we debated the options and as usual decided that what we needed was a Starbucks with free wi fi so that we could do some internet research.  We stopped in Castaic with half an idea that it might be worth going to the lake but then found that there were a lot of trails around Santa Clarita itself many of which looked interesting.

Destination decided and lunch sandwiches bought at a handy Ralph's it was back in the car and that was when the day took a downturn.......we finally found our destination - Whitney Canyon Open Space - after a few false trails and immediately had a bad feeling about it.

Nothing much more to say about the day - horrible walk, horrible row, horrible afternoon, horrible evening, horrible night. Day over.

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